가격: 41,800원 (첫구매, 스토어찜, 댓글등 여러가지 할인해택이 있습니다.)
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✅ RAPID HYDRATION Tactical is an electrolyte replacement mix that helps you hydrate better than anything else. It replaces minerals that are lost in sweat, without excess sugar or any added junk. It is a must have for firefighters, construction workers, solar farms, oil fields, or anyone working hard under heat stress
✅ ELIMINATE CRAMPS Designed by professionals from real science, Tactical is a no-nonsense way of preventing cramps and fighting dehydration during long, hot days on the job
✅ MIXES EASILY IN WATER Simply add 1 packet to any 16oz water bottle, shake until dissolved
✅ MADE IN USA Our ingredients are all US sourced and inspected for purity. Our mixing and packaging takes place in a GMP inspected and approved facility in Los Angeles, California
✅ FIVE FRUITY FLAVORS Choose your favorite or try them all in our variety pack
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