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밑에 링크 결재하시고 배송메모란에 꼭 "에어파스"라고 적어 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
가격: 59,800원
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About this item
- #1 Clinically Recommended: Trusted by pharmacists, physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, podiatrists, and athletic trainers
- Biofreeze Professional's unique cooling menthol formula and specially designed spray bottle provides easy application and effective pain relief from sore muscles, backaches, sore joints, and arthritis. It penetrates quickly to provide relief to body parts such as back, neck, shoulder, knee, hand, wrist, elbow, foot, and ankle
- 4 oz. 360° spray bottle features the best spray technology available with continuous flow even when upside down, providing patient's pain relief from sensitive body parts and hard-to-reach areas such as the middle back, neck and lower extremities
- Available in various sizes and application types to meet your needs for in-clinic treatment and to send home with patients for continued pain relief between visits
- Biofreeze Professional is a great alternative to other pain relievers because it is non-systemic, non-narcotic and contains no NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), salicylates or addictive substances
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GoBabyUSA - 네이버톡톡
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