가격: 54,800원 (첫구매, 스토어찜, 댓글등 다양한 할인해택이 있습니다.) 배송비별도(미국)
About this item
VTech care for me learning carrier, includes an adorable plush puppy for role-play fun; interactive pet carrier that lets little ones take their plush pet anywhere
Open and close the door to hear playful phrases and learn opposites; light-up buttons introduce colors, shapes, pet care and more
Sliding the letter beads introduce letters and play music; Features 100+ songs, melodies, sounds and phrases
Pet care accessories include a bowl, ball, comb and bottle to encourage role play; carrier features handle for on-the-go-fun
Requires 2 AAA batteries (batteries included for demo purposes only; new batteries recommended for regular use); intended for ages 9 months to 3 years
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