가격: 62,800원 (첫구매, 스토어찜, 댓글등 다양한 할인해택이 있습니다.) 배송비별도(미국)
About this item
The Pokemon kids smart watch comes loaded with kid-friendly features for your child to enjoy smart wearables just like the grown ups! However unlike smartwatches for adults, this watch is designed specifically with kids in mind.
With no wifi, calling or texting, you can rest assured of your child's safety and security while they enjoy the various cool age-appropriate features. This smart watch for boys and girls is perfect for little kids.
This Pokemon kids wearable includes a selfie camera for taking pictures, photo album viewer, video player, voice recorder, calculator, alarm clock, pedometer step counter, and changeable watch faces.
We put careful detail and thought into designing and developing this smart watch for children. This smart wearable for kids is trendy, fashionable, and features designs of their favorite Pokemon characters.
Long-lasting rechargeable battery makes the need to buy and replace batteries a thing of the past! Includes USB charging cable. Charge at least three hours prior to use. Includes One Year Warranty from Accutime.
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