가격: 38,600원 (첫구매, 스토어찜, 댓글등 다양한 할인해택이 있습니다.)
(원두 / 드립 / 콜드브루,프레스 / 에스프레소 중에서 선택해 주세요.)
구매하러 가기
The signature taste and rich coffee character of French Roast comes from a longer, hotter roast, which not all beans can handle. For our darkest roast, we select only top-quality Arabica coffee from the highest altitudes of prime Latin American growing regions. Beans mature slowly at these altitudes, becoming denser, harder and packed with flavor — perfect for retaining boldness and complexity under the intense heat of a deep roast.
Peet's French Roast is not a coffee for the cautious, but for those who embrace the powerful taste, pronounced smoky overtones, and pleasant bite. This dark, deeply flavorful blend pairs well with cream and sugar, and inspires reactions like this one from John "Nic" Nicolini, a Peet's roaster for over 20 years: “On a normal day, I cup 50 coffees before 7 a.m. But I always come back to French. You inhale that smoky aroma, and then a subtle sweetness pops out that awakens your taste buds. It’s visceral."
문의사항이 있으시면 톡톡으로 연락주세요. 시차상 답변이 늦어도 양해 바랍니다.
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