가격: 39,800원 (첫구매, 스토어찜, 댓글등 다양한 할인해택이 있습니다.)
(원두 / 드립 / 콜드브루,프레스 / 에스프레소 중에서 선택해 주세요.)
구매하러 가기
When these two coffees were first blended centuries ago, they were undoubtedly much different than what’s grown in Yemen and Indonesia today. Yet this combination of rich Mocha coffee from Arabia tempered with estate Java remains a popular blend around the world, even with beans from other regions now widely available. And it’s easy to see why when you taste the bittersweet chocolate flavor.
In fact, the word mocha became associated with chocolate because Europeans’ first experiences with cocoa, in the 17th century, reminded them of the bittersweet coffee they imported from Yemen. As with any blend, the quality of the origin coffees is everything. And in this case they’re outstanding, with a full body and rich, delicious complexity.
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