권장복용: 속쓰림 증상이 있을때 1정 또는 식전 30분전에 1정 (하루 최대 2정, 만11세 이하 복용금지)
파모티딘효능 : 위벽에서 위산의 분비를 자극하는 히스타민이라는 물질의 수용체에 대한 작용을 억제하여 위산을 감소시키는 위장약이다.
위산의 과다분비로 인한 위궤양, 식도염, 속쓰림 등의 치료에 사용된다.
About this item
- ACTIVE INGREDIENT: This product contains 20 mg of famotidine, an acid reducer for heartburn relief, which compares to the active ingredient in Maximum Strength Pepcid AC
- RELIEVES HEARTBURN: Amazon Basic Care Maximum Strength Famotidine Tablets 20 mg help to relieve heartburn due to acid indigestion and sour stomach
- PREVENTS HEARTBURN: Taken 10 to 60 minutes ahead of time, Amazon Basic Care Famotidine Tablets 20 mg prevents heartburn due to acid indigestion brought on by eating and drinking certain foods and beverages.
- JUST ONE TABLET prevents and relieves heartburn due to acid indigestion brought on by eating and drinking certain foods and beverages. This heartburn medicine lasts up to 12 hours. Use for adults & children 12 years and over. This product is gluten free.
- HEARTBURN MEDICINE: The active ingredient in Amazon Basic Care Famotidine Tablets 20 mg is an H2-blocker, which works as an acid reducer to help relieve heartburn. Lasts up to 12 hours. Use for adults and children 12 years and over.
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