권장복용: 식후 2정, 하루 2번
공액리놀레산은 체지방 감소에 도움을 줄 수 있다
지방세포에 지방이 축적되는 걸 막고 동시에 세포 내 미토콘드리아를 활성시켜 기초대사량을 촉진시킨다. 또한 노화한 지방세포가 스스로 파괴되도록 유도해 지방세포 수를 감소시키는 작용도 한다.
About this item
- Extra High Potency: 2250 mg of active CLA per serving (2 softgels). Naturally Supports Healthy Weight Management* - Non-Stimulating Conjugated Linoleic Acid. Non GMO 100% Safflower.
- Clinically Studied: The effectiveness of CLA has been clinically studied and documented in clinical trials.
- Highest Quality: Best ingredients available. Manufactured at cGMP certified facility.
- Trusted Since 1960: The pioneers of Bronson Vitamins were a group of pharmacists who witnessed the benefits of vitamins and mineral supplementation firsthand with their patients. Bronson Vitamins have been consistently mentioned by top medical professionals since our inception in 1960.
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