권장복용: 하루 1정
- 질염(세균성 질염) 치료에 효과적입니다.
- 아시도필러스를 경구형태로 복용 및 좌약의 형태로 사용하면 질 염증 치료에 효과적입니다.
- 박테리아에 의한 설사 치료에 도움이 됩니다.
- 1 billion units (CFU§)‡
- May support digestive health*
- May help promote healthy immune system function*
- May help support “good” instestinal flora
Lactobacillus acidophilus is a type of beneficial bacteria found in the intestinal tract and is one of the most studied probiotic strains in the world. Probiotics, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, may help promote digestive system balance, may help support a healthy digestive system, and may also help maintain healthy immune system function.*
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
No artificial flavors colors or sweeteners
A Vitamin or nutritional supplement product that does not contain artificial or synthetic flavors, colors, or sweeteners, as determined through 1) ingredient parsing and analysis; or 2) make an on-pack statement indicating that it does not contain artificial or synthetic flavors, artificial synthetic colors, or synthetic sweeteners; or 3) carry an on-pack claim “artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners”.
A product that carries an unqualified on-pack statement about the product containing prebiotic or probiotic ingredients.
Gluten Free
A product that has an unqualified independent third-party certification, or carries an on-pack statement relating to the finished product being gluten-free.
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