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업앤업 식이섬유 츄어블 과일맛 젤리형 영양제 90정

by mikookvitamin 2022. 7. 29.

권장복용: 하루 2정 씹어서 복용


식이섬유의 간접적인 효과는 위에 적은 대로 장내 미생물의 먹이가 되어 미생물이 제 역할을 하도록 하는 것이다.


직접적인 효과가 흔히 광고에 나오듯이 포만감을 줘서 식욕을 억제하거나 배변활동을 원활하게 해서 변비를 치료한다.

콜레스테롤의 흡수를 막아 성인병을 예방하는 효과도 있다.


업앤업 식이섬유 츄어블 과일맛 젤리형 영양제 90정
업앤업 식이섬유 츄어블 과일맛 젤리형 영양제 90정



  • Compare to Vitafusion Fiber Gummies
  • Easy-to-take gummies give you 5g of fiber per serving
  • Sugar-free formula lets you feel good about your supplement
  • Assorted fruit flavors make taking fiber a little bit tastier



Get hassle-free fiber with these Fruit-Flavored Fiber Gummies from up & up™. Giving you five grams of fiber per serving, this fiber gummy supplement is an easy and tasty way to supplement your daily fiber intake. In assorted fruit flavors, they’re easy to take even without water, and you can feel good about the sugar-free fiber gummy formulation. Whether you’re taking fiber on doctor’s orders or just want to boost the amount of fiber in your diet, these gummies are an excellent and easy way to do just that.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.


A product that carries an unqualified on-pack statement about the product containing prebiotic or probiotic ingredients.



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