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업앤업 멜라토닌 10mg 240정 레몬향

by mikookvitamin 2022. 7. 29.
멜라토닌은 수면과 관련된 호르몬으로 낮에는 적게 분비되고 밤에는 분비가 증가하며 나이가 들수록 감소한다.
멜라토닌은 보조제로 섭취 가능하며 영양제로 섭취 가능함.
대개 멜라토닌은 불면증이나 시차 적응이 필요할 때 섭취하며 다른 수면제와 달리 의존증이 일어나지 않으며 반복해서 습관적으로 복용하거나 hangover 증상이 나타나지 않는다.
  • 불면증에 도움
  • 항산화 작용
  • 유방암 치료에 도움
  • 항암작용
  • 갱년기 치료에 도움

업앤업 멜라토닌 10mg 240정 레몬향
업앤업 멜라토닌 10mg 240정 레몬향



  • 10mg melatonin is ideal for those looking for a high-strength dose
  • Formula is tailored to those seeking a good night’s sleep
  • 120ct bottle helps you make sure you always have some on hand


Looking for a good night’s sleep? Grab the Melatonin 10mg Tablets from up & up™. Melatonin is produced naturally by the human body to help regulate its sleep-wake cycles. Here, it’s combined with soothing lemon balm to a create melatonin tablet aimed at helping you get the rest you deserve. Whether you’re a shift worker, suffering from jet lag or simply find yourself having difficulty getting to sleep at night, these are for you.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

No artificial flavors colors or sweeteners

A Vitamin or nutritional supplement product that does not contain artificial or synthetic flavors, colors, or sweeteners, as determined through 1) ingredient parsing and analysis; or 2) make an on-pack statement indicating that it does not contain artificial or synthetic flavors, artificial synthetic colors, or synthetic sweeteners; or 3) carry an on-pack claim “artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners”.

Gluten Free

A product that has an unqualified independent third-party certification, or carries an on-pack statement relating to the finished product being gluten-free.


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