가격: 19,800원 (첫구매, 스토어찜, 댓글등 다양한 해택이 있습니다.)
권장복용: 하루 한번 1알
구매하러 가기
Vitamin D3 supplement softgels are quick and easy to take
Helps support bone and joint health
Bottle includes 100 softgels, delivering 125mcg of vitamin D3 per serving
Get the vitamin D you need with help from the 100-Count Vitamin D3 Softgels from up & up™. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that works with calcium to help develop strong bones and teeth, and also assists in maintaining a healthy immune system. This bottle includes 100 easy-to-take softgels, each providing 125 micrograms of vitamin D3.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
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