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Zimba 치아미백제 화이트닝 스트립 패치형 14개 11가지향

by mikookvitamin 2022. 5. 8.

가격: 46,300원 (첫구매, 스토어찜, 댓글등 다양한 할인해택이 있습니다.)


사용방법: 양치후 하루한번 윗니,아랫니에 붙이신후 30~60분후에 떼어 내시면 됩니다.

Zimba 치아미백제 화이트닝 스트립 패치형 14개 11가지향
Zimba 치아미백제 화이트닝 스트립 패치형 14개 11가지향
Zimba 치아미백제 화이트닝 스트립 패치형 14개 11가지향
Zimba 치아미백제 화이트닝 스트립 패치형 14개 11가지향


1. 스피어민트



2. 블루 라스베리



3. 시나몬



4. 코코넛



5. 포도



6. 민트



7. 복숭아



8. 페퍼민트



9. 딸기



10. 수박



11. 윈터그린

About this item

Enamel-Safe Whitening Strips: Gentle, effective, sensitive, and enamel-safe ingredients in these whitening strips that gives a long-lasting, glowing, and brilliant smile

Professional Whitener Strips: Get professional-like stain removal and teeth whitening to remove coffee, wine, soda, tea, tobacco, and other stains on teeth

14-Day Treatment: For a whiter, long-lasting and confident smile, use the teeth whitening strips for 30-60 minutes for 14 days, for whitening results that can last for 6+ months

Delicious Flavors: Zimba Whitening Strips come in 10 different flavors, like watermelon, blue raspberry, mint, coconut, spearmint, wintergreen, peach, peppermint, strawberry, and grape

About Zimba: Our mission is to help improve your smile and everyday confidence that comes with your pearly whites at a more affordable cost



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