가격: 32,800원 (첫구매, 스토어찜, 댓글등 다양한 할인해택이 있습니다.)
가로: 152cm , 세로 142cm
About this item
Premium Quality: Browntrek camping portable blanket is stylish. This 60” x 56” inch hiking blanket is constructed of Durable Polyester, Nylon Spandex Bag, pocket blanket waterproof Polyurethane coating which is soft & comfortable against your skin.
Compact Lightweight & Durable: Browntrek travel picnic blanket is a compact blanket, lightweight and super small enough to fit in your purse, bag, backpack and even in your pocket. When you unpacked this sand blanket it allows up to 2 Adults or 4 Children to sit comfortably. The corner loops allow you to stick and unstick at any time.
Multipurpose Blanket: This foldable pocket blanket gives you perfect protection during picnics, hiking, camping, fishing, beach trips, festivals, and traveling. Never miss the opportunity to enjoy being outside and keep this super small packable festival blanket with you all the time.
Puncture & Tear Resistant: Made from Rip Stop Polyester Fabric, our pocket blanket waterproof dries up extremely fast and easy to clean. This pocket blanket travel is sand proof and has the best puncture and tear-resistant material that protects you from twigs, rocks, insects, etc.
Satisfaction Guaranteed: At Browntrek making a customer happy is our top priority. Just try our tiny pocket blanket and share your experience. If at any stage you are unhappy with our outdoor pocket blanket just send us a message, we will be happy to offer you a replacement or to refund your money.
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