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AFreschi 강아지육포 100퍼센트 터키 칠면조육포 트릿

by mikookvitamin 2022. 4. 13.

가격: 32,200원 (첫구매, 스토어찜, 댓글등 다양한 할인해택이 있습니다.)


AFreschi 강아지육포 100퍼센트 터키 칠면조육포 트릿

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AFreschi 강아지육포 트릿 100퍼센트 터키 칠면조육포 : GoBabyUSA

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AFreschi 강아지쥐포 100퍼센트 터키 칠면조 육포 트릿
AFreschi 강아지쥐포 100퍼센트 터키 칠면조 육포 트릿
AFreschi 강아지쥐포 100퍼센트 터키 칠면조 육포 트릿
AFreschi 강아지쥐포 100퍼센트 터키 칠면조 육포 트릿




About this item


???????? ??????? ?????????? : All natural dog chew treat made from a single ingredient - 100% pure turkey tendon with NO additives, NO chemicals, NO preservatives, NO antibiotics, NO artificial flavors or coloring, NO steroids, NO growth hormones, and NO other harmful ingredients. A healthy natural alternative to rawhide products.

???? ???????????? : Delicious single ingredient, high-protein, low-fat gourmet dog chew treat hand-made from US-sourced turkeys, slow roasted for maximum flavor and proven to please the most finicky dog.

????? ??? ??????? & ???? ?? ?????? : Multiple strands of turkey tendon hand-braided to form one chew to make the treat last longer. Give yourself a break by keeping your pet busy for a while. Breaks off the chew in small pieces, it'll be safer and easier to digest.

??????? ????? : Turkey tendon treat encourages chewing, naturally reducing plaque and tarter build up to improve dog dental hygiene. It is a tasty tendon treat that strengthens gums and improves overall dog dental health.




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GoBabyUSA - 네이버톡톡

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